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2022-至今 同济大学物理科学与工程学院 教授

2013-2022 同济大学物理科学与工程学院 副教授      

2012-2013 同济大学物理系 讲师      

2010-2012 同济大学材料学院 师资博士后      



2007-2010 同济大学 凝聚态物理专业 理学博士      

2005-2007 同济大学 材料物理与化学专业 硕士研究生      

2001-2005 西南交通大学 材料科学与工程专业 工学学士    




主要研究方向包括新型气凝胶的制备、溶胶-凝胶理论以及气凝胶在物理工程中的应用。近期感兴趣的方向为气凝胶与电磁波、声波、强激光与超高速粒子等物质之间的相互作用。在国内外期刊上发表论文110余篇,其中与气凝胶相关的90余篇,申请人在以“aerogel”“aerogels”为主题检索的全年份期刊论文SCI中作者排名为第24名,EI中为第3名(2019310日检索), H因子为15H10因子为24(谷歌学术)。积极进行对外学术交流,国内报告约20次,其中大会报告2次,邀请报告9次;赴国外参加国际会议9次,其中做邀请报告4次。在中国材料大会、中国溶胶凝胶大会等会议上多次担任分会场主持。20197月担任中国材料大会D01会场的分会主席,20199月担任1st Conference on Aerogel Inspired Materials国际会议(英国 纽卡斯尔)国际委员会成员。主持纵向项目10余项,作为科研骨干参与了多项国家级科研项目的科研工作。    








Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials期刊 副主编;

Engineered Science期刊 副主编;

ES Materials & Manufacturing期刊 执行编辑;

International Association of Advanced Materials(Sweden) 会士;

2019-2023 中国材料大会 分会主席;

2022年 12th Advanced Materials World Congress (AMC,瑞典斯德哥尔摩) 分会主席;

上海市物理学会青年工作委员会 委员;

中国核学会核靶专业委员会 委员;

中国硅酸盐学会溶胶凝胶分会 理事;

中国材料研究学会超材料分会 理事;

上海市真空学会 理事;

同济大学中青年知识分子联谊会 副会长/秘书长;

普陀区中青年知识分子联谊会 副会长。  


1. Resveratrol-silica aerogel nanodrug complex system enhances the treatment of sports osteoarthritis by activating SIRT-1, Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials 2023, 6, 3.

2. A facile and versatile post-treatment method to efficiently functionalize 3D-printed carbon aerogels via introducing tailored metal elements, ACS Applied Energy Materials 2022, 5, 11970-11976.

3. A simple strategy for constructing hierarchical composite electrodes of PPy‐posttreated 3d‐printed carbon aerogel with ultrahigh areal capacitance over 8000 mF cm–2, Advanced Materials Technologies 2022, 7, 2101325.

4. MXene aerogel-based phase change film for synergistic thermal management inspired by antifreeze beetles, Cell Reports Physical Science 2022, 3, 100815.

5. Over 11 kg m–2 h–1 evaporation rate achieved by cooling metal–organic framework foam with pine needle-like hierarchical structures to subambient temperature, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2022, 14 (8), 10257-1026.

6. Interfacial polymerized copolymers of aniline and phenylenediamine with tunable magnetoresistance and negative permittivity, Materials Today Physics 2021, 21, 100502.

7. Slow-sound propagation in aerogel-inspired hybrid structure with backbone and dangling branch, Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials 2021, 4, 248-256.

8. Biomimetic ultra‐black sponge derived from loofah and Co‐MOF for long‐term solar‐powered vapor generation and desalination, Solar RRL 2021, 5, 2000817.

9. Epsilon‐negative carbon aerogels with state transition from dielectric to degenerate semiconductor, Advanced Electronic Materials 2021, 7, 2000877.

10. Ultra‐black pinecone for efficient solar steam generation under omnidirectional illumination, Advanced Sustainable Systems 2021, 5, 2000244.

11. Versatile direct writing of aerogel-based sol–gel inks, Langmuir 2021, 37, 2129-2139.

12. Morphology analysis of tracks in the aerogels impacted by hypervelocity irregular particles, High Power Laser Science and Engineering 2021, 9, e14.

13. Artificial Trees Inspired by Monstera for Highly Efficient Solar Steam Generation in Both Normal and Weak Light Environments, Advanced Functional Materials 2020, 30 (48), 2005513.

14. Intrinsic negative TCR of superblack carbon aerogel films and their ultrabroad band response from UV to microwave, Carbon 2020, 161, 590-598.

15. Ultra-black carbon@ silica core-shell aerogels with controllable electrical conductivities, Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials 2019, 2, 743-752.

16. Enhanced photothermal conversion by hot-electron effect in ultrablack carbon aerogel for solar steam generation, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2019, 11, 42057-42065.

17. Simple deceleration mechanism confirmed in the terminal hypervelocity impacted tracks in SiO2 aerogel, Icarus 2019, 317: 365-372.

18. Multifunctional silica nanotube aerogels inspired by polar bear hair for light management and thermal insulation, Chemistry of Materials 2018, 30 (19): 6849-6857.

19. Continuous adjustment of fractal dimension of silica aerogels, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 2018, 499: 159-166.

20. Temperature dependence of dynamic mechanical behaviors in low density MTMS-derived silica aerogel, Journal of Porous Materials 2018, 25 (4): 1229-1235.

21. Nanostructured resorcinol-formaldehyde ink for 3D direct writing, Journal of Materials Research 2018, 33 (14): 2052-2061.

22. Hot electrons coupling-enhanced photocatalysis of super black carbon aerogels/titanium oxide composite, 2018, MRS Communications 8 (2): 521-526.

23. Carbon aerogels towards new candidates for double negative metamaterials of low density, Carbon 2018, 129: 598-606.

24. Graphene-templated carbon aerogels combining with ultra-high electrical conductivity and ultra-low thermal conductivity, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 2017, 253: 71-79.

25. Free-standing coating patterns fabricated by ultraviolet contact lithography using photosensitive sol-gel coatings, Optical Materials 2017, 69: 265-273.

26. Self-supporting silica aerogel thin films with high flexibility, Thin Solid Films 2017, 628, 81-87.

27. A finite-volume fast diffusion-limited aggregation model for predicting the coagulation rate of mixed low-ionized system, AIP Advances 2017, 7 (3): 035017.

28. Preparation and optimization of aerogel flyer-plates with graded density, Materials & Design 2016, 110: 225-232.

29. A new approach for preparation of free-standing nano-porous SiO2 films with a large area, Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology 2016, 80 (2): 267-276.

30. Super black material from low-density carbon aerogels with subwavelength structures, ACS Nano 2016, 10 (10): 9123-9128.

31. Freestanding titanium metallic aerogel, Materials & Design 2016, 97, 93-97.

32. A special material or a new state of matter: a review and reconsideration of the aerogel, Materials 2013, 6, 941-968.



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